Mr. Vickstrom's Class
What's happening in 2V?


Our Daily Schedule
What's happening in 2V?
Greetings from Guinea!!
Pictures From Guinea
Butterfly Explorations

Language Arts

     We are working hard in our homerooms on Language Arts.  We will begin switching later on this month.  All Language Arts groups will be using Open Court by SRA this year.  This is exciting for me, personally, because it is the first year I'll be using it!

This is a link to the SRA Web Site so you can find out more about the program.

     We are currently working our way through a unit on fossils.  It has been really interesting to find out more information about how fossils are formed, different categories of fossils, and the information scientists can learn about the past from fossils. 


    I cannot believe that we are already in Unit 9 in Math!  This unit concerns all types of measurment.   We have started with linear measurement.  There have been a few lively discussions of tools used for linear measurement and standard units.  We've decided it is best not to measure distances in second graders! :)  We are now going to move on to discuss measurement for weight and volume.  We have learned about perimeter and will try to figure out area as well.

     If you would like more information about our math program, Everyday Math, there is a great web site with links to resources and games that will suppliment the program.  There is a section for parents, teachers, administrators, and students.  Please check it out!

Social Studies

A Passport to the World!!!
       We have been making our way through all seven of the continents.  We have witnessed the awe inspiring height of Mount Everest, the amazing Amazon, the Great Wall of China, and the frigid temperatures of Antrctica.  Our journey will conclude on the continent of Africa, where we will spend time learning about the different geographical regions (grassland, rainforest, desert) and some of the different cultures on the continent.

What's happening at Naquag?

6           Spring Pictures
9           No School
19-23    April Vacation
26         MAT 8 Testing Begins